Fiyah-side ChatHave you ever thought about inviting a transformational speaker to your party to entertain your guests?  Have you thought about having healing circles with your friends, but don’t know who to bring in to facilitate?  Dr. Fiyah presents a very unique service where she comes into your home and from a list of topics that you can choose from, makes a fun, interactive and insightful gathering.  Depending on the function, your group can experience a very teachable, funny and entertaining experience.  Or in intimate settings, we can delve deep into what is going on and be presented with real evidence-based tools that will make sense and can transform our lives.  Similar to a fireside chat, Dr. Fiyah offers this distinctive service at very affordable rates.

Topics include but are not limited to:

How to go from Self-Centered to Centered-Self

Brain Sex, how men and woman “really” compliment each other

The Art of Mystery and Seduction

Blueprint for Love, how to attract the most desirable relationship

W.O.W. Walk on Water, the miracle of transcending your fears